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You and Verbier

At we think that half the fun of being in Verbier is sharing your experiences. As such, we'd like to see your stories, photos, memories and videos of Verbier.

We're aiming to build the best possible resource about Verbier, so we'd love to hear about your favourite parts, the hidden gems, the fun you've been having, and we'd like to feature your contributions here on the site. We will also try and get your best photos and videos, that catch our eye, featured in our regular reports form Verbier, so please let us know if you've got something really outstanding for us to tell everyone about.

Let's spread the message about how good Verbier really is... get sharing!

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Tweeting on Twitter? Then give us a mention when tweeting your best shots, talking holiday plans or skiing in Verbier. Follow us @SeeVerbier


Are you more +1's than likes, prefer circles to Facebook groups? Then give us a mention when posting on Google+, we want to hear what you have to say about Verbier. Follow us on Google+